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Salem Stake Members Celebrate National Day of Service Through a Variety of Community Projects

This year, The Salem Oregon Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints commemorated the 9/11 National Day of Service by participating in a number of service activities across the area. These projects included arranging and providing haircuts for unhoused members of our community, collecting and delivering meals to teachers and other school staff, and sprucing up a local park.

Back-to-School Haircuts

On August 29, 2024, a back-to-school haircut event, organized by the Salem Stake communications committee, took place at the Church @ the Park family facility. For the second year, hairdressers from Salem, Monmouth, and Keizer Stakes contributed their time, equipment, and skills to provide hair cutting and styling for residents—both children and adults—at the shelter. Participants were also given hairbrushes and other hair care products purchased by Salem Stake members—who responded to the email request for donations very promptly, filling the needed quota in just a few hours!

SKSD Community Cares Meals

For another 2024 Salem Stake Day of Service opportunity, we joined with more than forty other faith groups and community members as part of the United Way/Salem Leadership Foundation SKSD Community Cares Project to show support for area school teachers and staff by providing meals to show appreciation at the beginning of another school year.

About twenty-five stake members contributed breakfast items, such as bagels, yogurt, muffins, and fruit to breakfasts for the staff at local schools. Members of the stake also delivered these breakfasts—along with a card of appreciation to each school.

Recipients of the breakfasts expressed their gratitude for the meal and for the support; one staff member described the project and our contribution as “so generous!” And others mentioned how grateful they were for the way the community came together to help them.

Stayton Community Center Park

About fifty Salem Stake members, supported by City of Stayton staff, gathered at the Stayton Community Center Park on Saturday, September 7, to complete several projects. Crews of participants, who ranged in age from toddler on up, trimmed rhododendron bushes, repainted the entrance sign, pulled weeds around the roses, removed some shrubs, and spread bark mulch. The atmosphere was charged with cooperation and camaraderie as everybody pitched in and watched their efforts transform and beautify the park.

Turner Elementary School Staff Meal

On September 11, Salem Stake members provided and delivered breakfast items to Turner Elementary School staff. Nine members participated and the staff expressed warm appreciation for the care and concern.

Salem Stake Members Continue to Serve

These organized service projects gave families and individuals in the Salem Oregon Stake a variety of opportunities to serve in our community and to coordinate with other community groups. For Salem Stake members, service and cooperation are not limited to a few weeks in September. Through, members can make a difference in the community—as individuals or with family, youth, ward, or stake groups—-while building relationships with members of other service- and faith-based organizations. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17)

Salem Stake Members Celebrate National Day of Service Through a Variety of Community Projects

This year, The Salem Oregon Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints commemorated the 9/11 National Day of Service by participating in a number of service activities across the area. These projects included arranging and providing haircuts for unhoused members of our community, collecting and delivering meals to teachers and other school staff, and sprucing up a local park.

Back-to-School Haircuts

On August 29, 2024, a back-to-school haircut event, organized by the Salem Stake communications committee, took place at the Church @ the Park family facility. For the second year, hairdressers from Salem, Monmouth, and Keizer Stakes contributed their time, equipment, and skills to provide hair cutting and styling for residents—both children and adults—at the shelter. Participants were also given hairbrushes and other hair care products purchased by Salem Stake members—who responded to the email request for donations very promptly, filling the needed quota in just a few hours!

SKSD Community Cares Meals

For another 2024 Salem Stake Day of Service opportunity, we joined with more than forty other faith groups and community members as part of the United Way/Salem Leadership Foundation SKSD Community Cares Project to show support for area school teachers and staff by providing meals to show appreciation at the beginning of another school year.

About twenty-five stake members contributed breakfast items, such as bagels, yogurt, muffins, and fruit to breakfasts for the staff at local schools. Members of the stake also delivered these breakfasts—along with a card of appreciation to each school.

Recipients of the breakfasts expressed their gratitude for the meal and for the support; one staff member described the project and our contribution as “so generous!” And others mentioned how grateful they were for the way the community came together to help them.

Stayton Community Center Park

About fifty Salem Stake members, supported by City of Stayton staff, gathered at the Stayton Community Center Park on Saturday, September 7, to complete several projects. Crews of participants, who ranged in age from toddler on up, trimmed rhododendron bushes, repainted the entrance sign, pulled weeds around the roses, removed some shrubs, and spread bark mulch. The atmosphere was charged with cooperation and camaraderie as everybody pitched in and watched their efforts transform and beautify the park.

Turner Elementary School Staff Meal

On September 11, Salem Stake members provided and delivered breakfast items to Turner Elementary School staff. Nine members participated and the staff expressed warm appreciation for the care and concern.

Salem Stake Members Continue to Serve

These organized service projects gave families and individuals in the Salem Oregon Stake a variety of opportunities to serve in our community and to coordinate with other community groups. For Salem Stake members, service and cooperation are not limited to a few weeks in September. Through, members can make a difference in the community—as individuals or with family, youth, ward, or stake groups—-while building relationships with members of other service- and faith-based organizations. “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17)

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