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Stake Day of Service

Projects Available: 

  • Preserving 300-year-old white oak trees by creating mulch tree circles

  • Working in the Rose Garden

  • Painting the Benches and the Gazebo

  • Humanitarian (non-labor-intensive work)

What: Bush Park Work Party and Picnic

When: September 9th, 2023, from 9am-noon. Work Party from 9-11am, Picnic from 11am-noon

Where: Bush Park (of course). We will meet at the corner of Leffelle Street and High Street near the Bush Park Sign.



 Bush Park Work Party and Picnic


September 9th, 2023, from 9am-noon. Work Party from 9-11am, Picnic from 11am-noon


Bush Park (of course). We will meet at the corner of Leffelle Street and High Street near the Bush Park Sign.


Projects Available: 

  • Preserving 300-year-old white oak trees by creating mulch tree circles

  • Working in the Rose Garden

  • Painting the Benches and the Gazebo

  • Humanitarian (non-labor-intensive work)

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