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Salem Oregon Stake

Come, Follow Him
How Salem Stake members are sharing food and love with Church @ the Park

Since the summer of 2023, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Salem, Oregon, have each Sunday shared food, conversation, and acceptance with residents of the Church @ the Park young adult community. 

These meals have both relieved hunger and helped restore dignity for some of Heavenly Father’s children who are experiencing homelessness—and they have inspired and uplifted ward members as they’ve followed the Savior’s example to love, listen, and connect. 

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt 25:40).

This thriving program provides a hot meal every Sunday afternoon for young people ages 18 to 24 at their place of refuge and shelter. In addition, since ward volunteers are invited to stay and share the meal with residents and staff, the experience provides a setting for building relationships and connections through shared stories and activities. Having this opportunity to collaborate with other Salem faith groups helps build bridges between local leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and our neighbors in the community as well.

The assignments, facilitated by the Salem Stake Communications Leadership and Ward Leads, rotate weekly among eighteen Salem wards from the Salem Stake, the Monmouth Stake, and the Keizer Stake. Ward Leads select a menu and arrange for ward members to donate and deliver food to the facility. Beyond preparing food and setting up for the meal, volunteers being able to stay to eat and interact enriches the experience for everyone. One Salem Stake member describes it as, “Being there for people who need it. Being there to love and to listen as the Savior would if He was there.”

To participate, sign up when it is your ward’s turn! Each ward receives the assignment only four times a year and although space is limited, it is hoped that everyone who wants to join in is able to do so—as often as they wish. Once you have signed up, you will receive information about specific expectations and guidelines.

Stake members have described their experiences at Church @ the Park as eye-opening and heart-warming. Laura Greaves relates an experience she had with a young resident who was confused about what identification she would need for a job. “From ten minutes of conversation—and because we had developed a trusting relationship—I could reassure her and help her with something she was really worried about,” Sister Greaves reports.

Sarrah Taylor has attended several times, “It’s cool to see the residents move on as they get jobs and housing,” she says.

Pringle Ward Lead Pam Decker says, “Sharing a meal and getting to know some of the young adults at Church @ the Park youth shelter was a wonderful, spiritual experience.”

Church @ the Park assists people experiencing homelessness through a variety of projects, including managed camping, safe parking, and emergency sheltering. Along with housing and food, the young adult residents are able to access education support, life-skills and job training, as well as counseling and other services.

Our shared Sunday meals program isn’t the only way to serve at Church @ the Park. To find out about other opportunities, go to their website at and look at their “Volunteers” tab. Or check out to see Church @ the Park listings there.

In the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 14, the Savior says “when thou makest a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors. . .When thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be blessed.”

Serving all of God’s children—whatever their life experiences—will not only bring succor to them, it will also bring us closer to Jesus Christ, as we shape our lives around His.




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room

Upcoming Events

View the full list of upcoming events:

Recurring Events

Stake Temple Recommend Interviews every 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 6pm

Addiction Recovery Programs

General Addiction Recovery class every Thursday @ 7pm in the Stake High Council Room

Men's Pornography Addiction Recovery class every Wednesday @ 7pm at 3995 Hagers Grove Road SE Salem in the Upstairs Conference Room.

Women's Pornography Addiction Recovery class every Wednesday @ 7pm at 3995 Hagers Grove Road SE Salem in the Downstairs Conference Room.

Instagram Feed

Interested in being a Good Neighbor?

Are you interested in helping refugees in Salem?

A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. About half of refugees are children.

The Savior said: “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in”

Because of war and conflict around the world we have many refugees resettling in Salem and there is an urgent need for help. One great need is “Good Neighbors” willing to walk beside new refugees in the first few months they arrive. You do NOT need any foreign language skills to be a Good Neighbor, just a desire to serve.

Partnering with Salem for Refugees, some members of the stake are forming “Good Neighbor Teams” for refugee families arriving in Salem.

A Good Neighbor Team is a group of individuals or families (typically friends) who walk alongside a refugee family when they arrive. Refugees typically need the most help in the first 90 days. Good Neighbor Teams do things such as: welcome their refugee family at the airport when they arrive, befriend them, go grocery shopping with them, take them to English classes, and show them around town.

If you have an interest in joining one of these Good Neighbor Teams with others in Salem Stake we’d love to provide you with more information and answer any of your questions. Please fill out this google form:

If you’re interested in helping refugees in a different capacity then check out the opportunities to help refugees at JustServe:

Youth Missionary Prep

We are excited to announce the Stake will be holding missionary preparation classes starting this month for all youth ages (turning) 16 to 18 years old. The classes will be held on Sundays from 4pm - 5pm, in the High Council room at the Stake Center. The classes will be taught by the full-time missionaries serving in our stake, using the Adjusting to Missionary Life booklet.

The class titles and scheduled dates are as follows:

• February 18th - Preparing Mentally

• February 25th - Preparing Physically

• March 3rd - Preparing Emotionally

• March 10th - Preparing Socially

• March 17th - Preparing Spiritually

If you have any questions, please contact Tony Decker (member of the Stake High Council) at (503) 569-5585

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