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Salem Oregon Stake

Come, Follow Him
JustServe Summer Kick-Off Event Engages Children and Youth in Joy of Service

On June 18, around eighty Salem Oregon Stake children, youth, and adults welcomed the beginning of summer vacation with a JustServe Summer Kick-off event at Woodmansee Park in south Salem.

Bringing their rakes, shovels, and wheelbarrows, participants worked together to spread bark mulch on dirt trails near the playground. Along with helping on the trail restoration project, children colored Thank-You cards for the use of Liberty House and Welcome cards for refugees.

The weather was perfect for a morning in the park and willing workers accomplished a great deal during the two-hour project. Parents and grandparents shoveled mulch alongside their children and grandchildren, youth and older children drove wheelbarrows, and even the smallest worker could help spread the bark mulch on the trails. One of the children, Hayden, declared,”I like the shovel better than the rake.” Kennedy enjoyed finding centipedes in the mulch, and Halle described “making the trails smooth and flat.”

As part of this day of service, more than a dozen used bicycles were contributed and summer toys were collected. The bicycles were given to Northwest Bike Hub which repairs and donates bikes to those in need in the community, and the toys went to the Church @ the Park facility for families experiencing homelessness.

To help families, children, and individuals find more ways to serve, handouts with QR codes linking to JustServe service opportunities were distributed (along with popsicles) at the conclusion of the activity.

For opportunities to serve with your family this summer, go to and find a project that works for you.

Here are a few possibilities from those shared at the event:

Help get a home ready for arriving refugees

Help provide birthday parties for children living in homeless shelters

Plan activities for and play with children at family shelter

Organize and label donated items for people experiencing homelessness

Make Christmas ornaments for people who have lost their homes in natural disasters

Make thank-you cards for Liberty House




Youth Pickleball

Salem Stake Center




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




Stake RS Event

Salem Stake Center




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room




ASL Classes

Salem Stake Center - RS Room

Upcoming Events

View the full list of upcoming events:

Recurring Events

Stake Temple Recommend Interviews every 1st and 3rd Tuesday @ 6pm

Addiction Recovery Programs

General Addiction Recovery class every Thursday @ 7pm in the Stake High Council Room

Men's Pornography Addiction Recovery class every Wednesday @ 7pm at 3995 Hagers Grove Road SE Salem in the Upstairs Conference Room.

Women's Pornography Addiction Recovery class every Wednesday @ 7pm at 3995 Hagers Grove Road SE Salem in the Downstairs Conference Room.

Instagram Feed

Salem Stake Youth Conference

It’s that time of year again to register for this year’s Youth Conference! It will take place July 18th-20th, 2024. All youth turning 14 this calendar year and older are invited to attend. Registration will close Sunday, May 12th, 2024. 

Registration Here

For questions, feel free to reach out to any member of the Young Men’s or Young Women’s Presidency.

Just Serve Opportunities

Church at the Park children’s activities

How you can help:

Church at the Park has a family shelter with about 40 displaced, young children ages 3-9. Youth groups can plan activities for and play with these children at Church at the Park on select Wednesday nights from 6-7pm.

About Church at the Park:

Church at the Park is an interfaith organization serving the homeless community in Salem.

Learn how you can help

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